PORTUGAL - Lisboa - old tram (2007) PORTUGAL - Alcochete, Sírio Atalaia (2008)
ETIÓPIA - young pastor - Tiss Isat (2005) PORTUGAL - Alcochete, Festivity of green ..........................................................................beret e das Salinas.
MONGÓLIA - Lake Ogli, bridge (2011) PORTUGAL - Bridge 25 de Abril, entry
in Lisbon (2014)
INDIA - Desnok -Temple of ratz (2010). BOTSWANA - Chobe National Park(2015)
PORTUGAL - Lugre Creoula - Expedition GUINÉ - Bissau,
National Geographic/Oceanário de Lisboa Volunteering Doctors of the World (2010) (2004)
MARROCOS - Tazzarine (2014) PANAMÁ - Portobelo (2012)
LIBÍA - Tripoli - craft work (2008) PORTUGAL - Odivelas, work assisted by
computer (2010)
CHINA - Pequim, prohibited city (2018) CHINA - Pequim, prohibited city (2018)
GUINÉ-Ilha de Bubaque, Voluntariado M.D.M. CHINA/MACAU - historic center.(2018)
doctors of the world,(2010)
MONGÓLIA - Gobi desert(2011) REINO UNIDO - Lake District (2010)